Sunday 13 November 2011

Managed to pull myself away from Skyrim long enough to do a little work.

First up is the Vest contraption.

I've seen a few sketches Vi and Harry have done, likeing their ideas Ive bascially stole them and added elements from every design I've seen, resulting in this bad boy:

I like the idea of the backpack overpowering the player, possibly reflecting in the animation showing Harland struggling to lug around such a monster whilst running and jumping effectively, I think that could look cool showing the strain on his face and through his movements.

I thought a little but how this contraption actually WOULD function in the game, possibly with animation and the basic structure it will follow is this pattern:

- Machine activates (Adrenaline maxed out / level completed / whatever)

- Cogs turn on the side starting slow, powering the device, steam expelled from the top as the machine begins.

- Needles connected to the players spine, neck and chest being the process of extraction, following the tubes back into the central reservoir tank.

- A process of refinement begins, the excess material is expelled through the hatch to the base of the contraption and the good stuff` is sent to the FINAL storage tank (the small tube located on the side of the device, this is detachable, could be used in later levels to swap in and out full / empty tubes.)

- Finally the process finishes and leaves Harland physically exhausted and in a certain degree of pain. Perhaps his movements for a short while after reflect this. Being so zapped of energy, achieving adrenaline straight after is impossible and therefor a natural cool-down is added to the device to stop Harland being sucked dry. (ha). 
Thats bascially your lot for the backpack ideas, I did draw up the final miner concept I wanted to bring in for Mondays lesson, but the fucking file corrupt or something so I dont have it.


This is all I have to show sadly:

The drawing that was lost was basically this following outfit (minus the steampunk version which I've changed here) but based around the above pencil character, a bit more paunchy and stocky. 

Hopefully Ill have time before the lesson to draw up the final versions of the way I see the miner and Doctor (fuck all other characters) which we can talk about during the lesson anyway.

Ill hopefully be posting again soon, maybe tonight, with a NEW GAME MECHANIC idea I had, but I doubt any of you will read this far so you will never know, which is why its fine for me to just insert words in random places, like brazil nuts.

That's everything, other than some music I found which Adam and Sam might consider:

__I think this could be worked in well, in particular for the wife, possibly her theme. Not this music per-say since i don't think its CREEPY enough, although brazil nuts it does have a weird creepy charm.

Sweet success.

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