Tuesday 8 May 2012


Finally decided to get around to rendering off the spritesheets for Ben.

Poor guy had to dissect on of my GIFs for the images.

Anyway, Ill post them up here for everyone to see, although for those that NEED them they are in the group dropbox.

Was a grind to get these spaced out evenly and after much trails and tribulations; I managed to find an awesome dude who had written a Java script for Photoshop to do it automatically.

Had to jimmy rig it a little and manually change parts of the code depending on image sizes and frame numbers, but it was still much quicker than a manual job.

Ill load them all in below:

Idle 1

Idle 2





The Death animation is done, I just need to get it form Gina and sprite sheet it up, then we`re good to go.

Hopefully Ben can work some programming magic with this and make it look awesome.

Next I think Ill get on with some design work, I wonder, does updating my blog with art come under the 3 times a week rule?

Who knows.

Thats all for now. 


  1. I have enjoyed reading your articles. It is well written. It looks like you spend a large amount of time and effort in writing the blog. I am appreciating your effort. You can visit my website.

  2. the running animation is backwards. the sprites should be in the reverse order
