Thursday 16 February 2012

Sort of, been looking forward to this one.

This story section will cover the individual information about each section of my level and its place in the world. Ill keep it brief, but this section should encourage my ideas about how the world of Spin Doctor came to be; for both the present time the player encounters the game and the events leading up to it. 

I might encroach on other peoples turf here and talk about the story of the entire facility, although Ill aim to keep it specifically about my zone. This is something that I felt, with afterthought, we lacked in the GDD, since none of us really know exactly what the facility is or why it exists. Ill give my take on it, feel free to agree or disagree as you please.

The Facility
Created sometime during the early 1800s (I have the exact date to be around 1820), a young and up and coming Doctor Reeves is invited into the Medical staff of a large research facility built to pioneer the fields of surgical, medical, technological and industrial advancement. Built and maintained by a large Military corporation, for its initial years the facility is able to thrive. 

During his time spent here, Reeves is able to learn the structure and layout of the complex and additionally has access to an impressive bank of knowledge and technologies being at the cutting edge of science at the time. The facility and Reeves enjoy a period of wealth and success, albeit, short lived.

Perhaps due to the rapid technological increases and the brink of the electronic dawn during the end of the 19th century and early 20th, the facility falls into bankruptcy. Perhaps a major event triggers the lack of faith in the structures benefactors and eventually leads to its closure. All Medical, Industrial and Military staff are discharged and the remaining subjects are either transported to separate hospital and research bases or executed. I put this event to happen around 1840.

This leaves around a 12-13 year gap of total abandonment where the complex is left in total isolation forgotten by the public and remained untouched, before Reeves moves in (based on the GDD timeline) during 1852, and begins work on the rotating room concept.

A further 15 years or so passes in which Reeves completes his project and tests his labyrinth out on members of the population. The project increases in size and ferociousness until eventually going dark around 1873 or so; most likely due to the increased fragility of Doctor Reeves physical and mental state. After 5 years of isolation and decay, Harland is the last person to be introduced to the gauntlet in 1878, in which the events of the game take place.

Medical Zone
Pre-Abandonment - 1815-1840 est.
During the Facilities most profitable time, the Medical Zone housed large areas dedicated to the advancement of Medical Science. Ranging from Biological to Mental diseases and aliments, the complex specializes in the understanding of everything natural and biological; attempting to understand the causes and effects of disease and eventually remove them from existence.

Reeves acts as an overseer during this time period in which, despite his youth, his incredible mind placed him years ahead of his colleagues in intellect and knowledge. Thanks to his position, Reeves is able to supervise research in every area of the Medical zone, allowing him to further his own research in each of the fields.

The areas covered and placed as high-priority by the facility are as follows:

- Surgery
- Dissection
- Mutation
- Birth Defects


- Drug treatments
- Blood malignancies

- Mental illness

Additionally, the Medical Zones housed more specific hospital like areas such as wards and patient rooms, so that it may accommodate a vast array of high priority patients such as Presidents and Kings.

The complex at the time was the highest ranked in terms of medical science and therefor attracted many sick and well esteemed patients; for the right price. 

Abandonment - 1840 - 1852 est
Due to a major event leading to the closure of the complex, the facility is evacuated of all major personnel, patients and subjects being left relatively untouched and isolated from the rest of the world. Built specifically underground and in secret (therefor free of any direct Government involvement, giving them deniability) the complex is left alone to wait.   

The facility remains in generally good physical condition, suffering only slight decay due to overall lack of maintenance and upkeep. Despite this layer of dust, the places remains in primarily good working condition.

Reeves Moves In - 1852 - 1873 est
Familiar with the layout and contents of the base, Reeves sees fit to move his studies inside the complex. Whilst initially only planning the modifications to implement rotating rooms and adrenaline extraction, Reeves sets about renovating and removing the specific sections of the world.

The Medical section specifically takes the largest hit of Reeves improvements, since Reeves has little need of specific medical equipment. Thanks to this, the area only contains fleeting  hints to what it was represented, rooms are totally converted to deliver their hellish, rotating goal.

Rotating Rooms Post Completion - 1873 - 1878 est
In the five years prior to Harland entering the refurbished facility, the complex is left to rot and decay. Largely due to the massive changes and needs for constant upkeep and maintenance, the place falls into disrepair. The Doctor, now unable to give his work the attention it needs through his decreased psychical and mental state, the complex begins to fall apart and rust.


Ill add some more in the document about specific rooms, might blog it. Im a little sleepy now though so Ill finish this off properly tomorrow whilst I do the Photo Reference work.

Sweet Success.

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